Expert national curriculum services for MOEs

National curriculum services for governments’ school education

Creating a national curriculum for your country

national curriculum services

Our curriculum partners are a team experienced in delivering national curriculum services for governments over 20 years. The diverse range of countries that have benefited from their national curriculum services span an area from the Horn of Africa, through the MENA, to Central Asia, to Polynesia.

Our curriculum and teacher trainers develop the teachers’ skills and also the systems necessary for education colleges to train teachers to deliver the new curriculum.

Our curriculum writers have created new curriculum for newly formed states, existing states, and have modified and built upon existing national curriculum.

Whatever your requirement, our curriculum design team can give you expert support across our national curriculum services.

Transforming education: moving to an enquiry based curriculum

national curriculum services

Increasingly, governments are seeking to move their curricula from one that is rote learning based to one that is enquiry learning based.

To support the transition to enquiry based learning system, we also support the training of teachers, both in schools, and through your teacher training colleges to deliver teaching and learning in this new way.

We are also able to advise on what can be put online to support the curriculum, and create that content. This includes the writing of new text books.

Developing values education within your curriculum

national curriculum services

Along with the transition to enquiry based learning, governments are increasingly seeking to incorporate values based learning into their national curriculum.

Our experienced curriculum writers and curriculum designers can write a values based curriculum for you that they will merge into your existing curriculum, or build into a new curriculum for you.

Whatever your curriculum requirements, our national curriculum services team can work with your ministries of education and teacher training colleges to introduce and blend skills based learning, enquiry based learning, and values based learning to enable your country to prepare its children for our future world