Management consultancy for starting an international school
Starting an international school with IGE is your first step to success
Open your international school on a solid foundation with our expert planning
Starting an international school, in whichever city and country you choose, follows a similar process everywhere. As our education experts have opened numerous international schools, we can ensure that as a result of our knowledge and guidance, you will be provides with the very best chance of long term success.
Each international school that is successful in opening impacts upon the local market. Your school’s potential income in turn is affected by what you intend to offer in that market - the curricula, facilities, staffing, pricing point.
Therefore when we consider how to start a private school or how to start an international school for you, we know that your education startup project is unique. Our advice is tailored to your plans, and takes into account multiple connecting factors upon which you may base your decisions before going forward.
The five stages to starting your international school
Stage 1
Feasibility Study
You have a great idea, and you want to start a school.
Your first and most important step is explore the feasibility of your ideas.
Stage 2
From feasibility to licence
After deciding that you wish to proceed, you will need:
to appoint project management
to take the steps to become licenced
business│investment plans
architect│construction plans
to decide the curriculum
to build your school
write your polices
to licence your school
Stage 3
From licence to opening
after licencing and build (or vice versa depending on the rules) you will need to:
appoint school management
decide Year 1 maximum staffing
complete procurement
market the school
accept admissions
Stage 4
The first year of opening
Arriving at the school opening could have taken 1-2 years.
It is vital that you make your first year of opening a success.
Good management is the key, and IGE can continue to support you with this, managing your school and all the associated operations.
Stage 5
The first 5 years
The school must grow over the coming 5 years, and expert, experienced, effective management is essential for this.
In education, you really do get the returns on what you put in, and it is worth putting in place the best that you can afford.
Operations that we manage to open your international school
feasibility studies for international schools
school design
construction work for new builds and remodeling
curriculum choice, and design
Quality assurance, accreditation, and inspections
contracts and partnerships
financing, and investors
policy writing
teacher and management recruitment
marketing and advertising
admissions and pupil enrolment
systems and procedures
school startup and management at each stage